1883 Rymal Road E Stoney Creek, Ontario L8J 2R6

26593 sqft
Other Other


Assemble all 3 parcels, 1883 Rymal Road, is strategically located, 131 ft of frontage x 203 ft (total lot coverage of 2688) road has been widened, services are located in front of property, this parcel is zoned “Mixed Use Medium Density Zone, Mid Rise Residential Zones are typically on the periphery of neighborhoods along major streets, permitting uses like stacked townhouses, block townhouses, or apartment buildings to a maximum range of 6-12 storeys depending on location. The Urban Hamilton Official Plan designates the property as “Mixed Use – Medium Density” , Schedule E-1 – Urban Land Use Designations. Mixed use multiple dwellings are permitted , Mid Rise Residential refers to multiple housing types, including, back-to-back and stacked townhouses and apartment or condo buildings. (id:35660)


BusinessType Residential

Property Details

MLS® Number XH4203295
Property Type Multi-family


ArchitecturalStyle Other
ConstructionStyleAttachment Attached
ExteriorFinish Other
FireProtection Unknown
HeatingType Other
StoriesTotal 8
SizeInterior 26593 Sqft
UtilityWater Municipal Water


Acreage No
SizeDepth 203 Ft
SizeFrontage 132 Ft
SizeTotalText Under 1/2 Acre



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